The hobby and service known as Amateur Radio attracts operators from all walks of life. As such, our members enjoy many different aspects of the activity. Some of us like to chase DX and contact stations thousands of miles away. Others like to build our own equipment and are happy enough when the magic smoke doesn't escape when we turn on the power.Our members operate with everything from base stations large enough to have their own rooms, to hand-held radios which can be stuffed in a backpack for that next trip up Mount Monadnock.
VE Test Sessions:
EC, Cheshire County
Larry Levesque KA1VGM
Amateur Radio Emergency Services - ARES is one of our many ways to give back to the community and one of our main reasons for keeping the frequencies the have. Helping other communicate in an emergency is our main role.
As a reminder all Fldigi and Winlink resources that we use in NH ARES are found on N1GBs site: is intentional so we don't duplicate efforts and have consistent information.
If you need help setting up these modes contact N1GB and K1EHZ.
One thing that is highly recommended is that everyone keep a list of all call signs, names, locations and order checked in of all stations on the net. This will allow you to know when it is your turn as well as also be able to pick up as net control operator if needed.
To that end here is a link to my "database" of stations that check into either the Cheshire County ARES net or the CCDX 2-meter and 10-meter nets. This can be used with W1HKJ's FLNET software or you can use it as a basis of your own cheat-sheet to keep track of net check-ins.
Social Meetings: